Spring 2024 | Faculty and Student Accomplishments
Recent updates from the College of Nursing faculty and students.
Karen Reed, MSN, DHSc, RN, CNE, CNL, CRRN, clinical associate professor, was nominated for the International Center’s International Educator of the Year for Senior Faculty. Reed was recognized for her work in Cambodia and Vietnam.
Bryce Catarelli, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, clinical assistant professor, Karen Schofield, MSN, RN, APRN, clinical lecturer, and Michelle Plourde, MSN-ed, RN, CEN, clinical lecturer, recently had their article, “Enhancing hospital clinical reflection logs using competency-based approaches,” published in the journal Teaching and Learning in Nursing. This article discusses using clinical reflection logs to help BSN students achieve course learning outcomes and meet the criteria of role-specific competencies.
Lakeshia Cousin, PhD, APRN, AGPCNP-BC, assistant professor, was awarded the UF Health Cancer Center Rising Star of the Year Award in the Cancer Control and Population Sciences Program. Cousin was also recently selected for the Early Investigator Advancement Program. The program, launched in 2021 by the National Cancer Institute with support from the NCI Equity Council, aims to help cancer researchers and clinician scientists attain National Institutes of Health grants or equivalent funding.
Christelle Isaac, MSN-Ed, RN, CNE, clinical lecturer, recently passed the National League for Nursing’s Certified Nurse Educator exam, distinguishing her as an expert nursing educator.
Lisiane Pruinelli, PhD, MS, RN, FAMIA, associate professor, authored a blog discussing three considerations about nursing and AI. “AI and Nursing: Are We Ready?” was published in Off the Charts, the American Journal of Nursing’s blog.
Sandra Wolfe Citty, PhD, APRNP-BC, CHE, clinical associate professor, was selected to become a fellow of the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, or ASPEN. The organization’s mission is to improve patient care by advancing the science and practice of clinical nutrition and metabolism. The fellow designation is the highest honor available to members.
Denise Schentrup, APRN, DNP, associate dean for clinical affairs, and Raga Bjarnadottir, PhD, MPH, assistant professor, were recognized at the UF Standing InnOvation award ceremony for their work on Advancing Fall Assessment and Prevention Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Findings into Diverse Primary Care Practices, or ASPIRE. Their tool helps providers assess patient needs to help prevent falls. Separately, Bjarnadottir attended the Nordic Nursing Research Conference, where she presented her work through UF ECLIPSE and the NIA-funded work by Tamara Macieira, PhD, RN, assistant professor. Of particular interest was the OneFlorida+ data trust and the development of advanced data analytics, including AI, to analyze important, nurse-generated data.
Anna Larson, RN, teaching laboratory specialist in the Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Innovation and Learning Lab, recently passed her National Council Licensure Examination and is officially a registered nurse.
Anthony Roller, DNP, APRN, CPNP A/C-P/C, clinical assistant professor, was invited to become a member of the University of Florida Pediatric Pulmonary Center Training Program’s Community Advisory Board. The purpose of the board is to open lines of communication between the training program and local agencies for collaboration and feedback opportunities.
Shakira Henderson, PhD, DNP, MS, MPH, EMBA, IBCLC, RNC-NIC, College of Nursing dean and UF Health system chief nurse executive, was selected to participate in the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Advancing Academic Leadership for Deans Program. The program is designed as the gateway to success and sustainability for new or transitioning nursing deans and chief academic officers.
Mendy Dunn, MSN, RN, ACRP-CP, NE-BC, and Alexandria Carey, MSN, RN, ACRP-CP, NE-BC, both College of Nursing PhD students, were selected for the 2024 GNSA Digital Innovators Program. The program hopes to innovate in a personal and team-based journey by collaborating and creating content for the teaching and learning space.
DNP student Maricar Baña, BSN, RN, CNRN, HNB-BC, was awarded the International Society of Psychiatric Mental-Health Nurses Foundation Student Conference Scholarship Award and was recognized during the awards ceremony in April.
Leslie Parker PhD, APRN, NNP-BC, FAAN was recently named the College of Nursing’s associate dean for research and scholarship. Parker has served in an interim capacity since last summer. She is now poised to lead the college into and exciting new chapter of collaboration and innovations. Working closely with faculty and staff, she will drive forward the growth and enhancement of the college’s research and scholarship endeavors. A nurse practitioner with more than 30 years of experience in the Neonatal Intensive are Unit, she has focused her research on nutritional support of premature infants with an emphasis on breastfeeding infants in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Angela Starkweather, PhD, ACNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN and Lisa Scarton, PhD, RN, recently received awards at the Southern Nursing Research Society’s conference held in Charlotte, North Carolina. Starkweather received the Distinguished Researcher Award, which recognizes a nurse whose program of research has enhanced the science and practice of nursing in the Southern region. Scarton received the Research in Health Disparities Award, which recognizes a nurse whose research significantly improves the health care of minorities and other under represented group in the Southern region. The event also featured several projects presented and co-authored by College of Nursing faculty and students. Presenters Michael Bumbach, Bryce Catarelli, Jennifer Pruitt, Larissa Iapicca (PhD student). Co-authors: Lakeshia Cousin, Debra Lyon, Leslie Parker, Michael Weaver, Saun-Joo Yoon and Raga Bjarnadottir.